About It's Behind You

I have been psychic for as long as I can remember, I developed my skills in a development circle in my mid 20’s. Although I am a medium, I rarely do private readings, it’s not the path I wish to take.
Investigations give me a lot of satisfaction; I feel secure in the knowledge I am not only helping other people to realise that there is life after death, but I am also helping the spirit world (in some cases) to come to terms with the fact that they have passed over to the spirit world.
It might sound ironic but there really are spirits that can’t come to terms with the fact they have gone to the other side! I've encounterd quite a few in my time and have discovered that there are all sorts of reasons for this.
I have worked for a few other investigation groups and still do. There is a forever-increasing amount of groups popping up all over the UK. Some groups are very good, and others are not so good. I will only work with genuine and honest organisations and they are those that seek to investigate honestly and thoroughly. How do I know the good from the bad? In my opionion, you only need to work with a group once and you can normally tell what type of group they are.
As a medium and paranormal investigator I look at any evidence in a scientific way, as well as a psychic one. Contrary to what you might think, there is rarely a conflict. I believe once you have dismissed normal and natural reasons for the phenomena and have no other explanations left, then you are left with the paranormal.
Because of my interest in ghost investigations, and the obvious interest of others, I decided to build my own web site and get together a really good team of investigators to work with. All of my team I have worked with on many occasions and I trust them implicitly. I live in Shropshire and most of my investigations are local and so are my team. We also take any opportunity to travel across the country to investigate haunted locations. If you know of anywhere worth an investigation please let us know.
Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me and It's Behind You. If you want to contact me my email address is. [email protected]