Welcome to Runeoscopes - a unique predictive system for your star sign!
Every month I shall look at the runes for each star sign and give you details of what is in store for you, based on what runes have been drawn. Although the Runes do not have any connection with astrology, they can pick up the energies that will affect you in the forthcoming month - and lay out suggestions for how you can make the most of them. This is not just another rehash of whatever sounds convincing from other sites - every month I draw the runes and give you my findings - genuinely! Let's see if Guinevere is right (see Guest Book), do I really have psychic ability? Check back each month to see what the runes have in store!
For the purists amongst you, I use the Elder Futhark and do not use the modern invention of the Wyrd (blank) rune in these readings. When the comment (Merkstave) is put alongside the name of the rune, this means that the rune came out reversed. If you are really a purist, you will not be that keen on Astrology and Runes alongside each other anyway, nor will you like the smiling kitten on Wunjo. My runes don't seem to mind how I use them as long as I have respect for their inherent wisdom, so I'm keeping the kitten and the Runeoscope ... until they complain. Yes, 'tools' do have feelings. If you are a reader - you'll know what I mean!

December is a time of playing to your strengths. You already know what they are: you have worked long and hard to follow the maxim: "Know Thyself" and you are well on your way to discovering who you truly are. Use this knowledge wisely. You will be amazed a what you can achieve over Yuletide if you work with the skills you have. You know that you are an organiser - so organise! Plan your parties, organise your work and factor in your leisure time too. If you do this you will be delighted with the results! This year you really might manage to have a joyous Yuletide (so try to keep those "Bah Humbugs!" you normally shout to a whisper) and there are also spiritual rewards available, should you organise the time to look at that side of yourself. December is also a brilliant time to start a new enterprise. It may not seem that way, but for you goats out there - it's looking promising. Don't forget, if you can arrange any new starts to coincide with the full moon (on 12th December) you'll have even more energies working in your favour. The energies around you right now are very special. Plant the seeds and take full advantage now - so you can reap the rewards in 2009.

Uruz | Kenaz (Merkstave) | Berkano |
Health-wise, December is a time when you will feel full of energy, despite the depressing weather. Make the most of this, but be carefu

l how you do (read on)! You can expect some sudden changes to occur around you, possibly in your love life - but be warned, things may not be quite as they seem and a night of passion could turn into weeks of tears. However, there is definite hope on the horizon, even if you do have too much mead and too little constraint. There will be a new start for you that will brighten up your whole month, although you may have to go through the mill to come out the other side. Certainly, though, going through the mill does sort out the wheat from the chaff, doesn't it? Because of the positive (mostly) energy of love and passion moving through your December, you may find that it is not only you that is experiencing changes. You may hear about a birth of the start of a powerful and long-lasting relationship amongst your loved ones.

December could be tricky for fishes when it comes to family affairs. When family come together, so do all the old resentments that usually fester, even in the most loving and caring of families. Don't worry though, you are protected from any direct involvment yourself and may very well be the one to pour oil on troubled waters and get those warring factions smiling again. You are a creative soul, and if there is a way to carefully tease those grumpy grandparents into giving in and having another sherry instead of sulking until 2009, you will find it. Just 'think outside the box'! Because of your innate skill at bringing people together, December is not all bad. This is likely to be a month of abundance (compared to the rest of us :-( ), so carefully unwrap those presents, they may be more valuable to you than you first think! It is also a lucky month for you, so look carefully at any opportunity that comes your way (and it will). Be sure you don't look a gift horse in the mouth - this one may have gold teeth!
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Wunjo | Uruz | Perthro (Merkstave) |

Deck the halls with boughs of holly and God and Goddess rest ye merry gentlemen (and ladies)! This is a fabulous time for Aries at the start of December and, if you play your cards right, it could continue to be so! However, not all is rosy in the wintry garden. You have the energy and drive to create anything and a great atmosphere to do so. You feel positive and ready for anything. So don't you just know it: the Universe is surely going to send you the challenges to make sure you don't waste a single ounce* of this feeling! If you want to make the most of the positive feelings around you, you are going to have to go out and find a use for them, because people won't come to you to share them. Expect some disappointments when friends cancel nights out and don't turn up for parties. Don't take it personally - do something about it and go out there and visit them. If you stay in watching a rerun of the latest soap you may well spend all of Yule doing so ... it's up to you to make sure that your December is more interesting by doing the legwork yourself (hmmm ... again ...?).
*Yes, I know, I haven't used grammes, but it's a turn of phrase and I don't care.

Eihwaz | Perthro (Merkstave) | Thurisaz |

December is a time of withdrawal for bulls this year, as the energies prompt them to reflect and spend some 'me' time thinking about what has happened over 2008 and what is to come in 2009. There will be distractions from this valuable meditative period, though, in the form of a need to change and the desire to please all around you as well as look to your own spiritual needs. Certainly, if you are into spiritual pursuits, December could be a great time to find some answers, providing that you take an honest look at your life so far and set out some realistic goals for future development. You may find that during what is, without doubt, a difficult financial time, that you receive some help from an honest and protective man who will see your needs and help you address them. If you do spend time alone, please don't use that reflective time at the bottom of a bottle, as there could be a tendency to melancholy if you don't watch yourself. December can be a very productive time for you, if you use it wisely.
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Laguz (Merkstave) | Ingwaz | Fehu |
It is easy to feel that you are stuck in a rut when times are so hard for everyone at the moment. Don't slip into yourself to the exclusion of all

others, or assume that because your financial situation is not so great, everything is falling apart. You will soon see that you are much better off than you think when you surround yourself with your loved ones and family, simply because you won't have the time to get maudlin! Do it - make yourself go out when you can and if you can't - get people over! If you stop yourself becoming negative there are the really positive energies of Fehu (nourishment) around, and these energies can bring you a great deal of luck as well as make sure that you have everything you really
need (as opposed to what you really want - there IS a difference). There is great potential for a good 2009 in these runes, despite the fact that they do have a tendency to make you see things from a very personal perspective. Stretch out your thoughts to the good things that are surely wending their way to you in the New Year - and you may just start to realise them before January!

Crabs have a potentially great December forecast. However, the key word is 'potentially'. The energies that are around you are simply there (rather than having a positive or negative indication), so it is up to you to make the most of them. As is normally the case at this time of year, we are drawn to family and friends and feel the need to draw them close around us. For crabs this is the case also, and certainly 'home' has always been an important and elusive word for them. Immerse yourself in social activities, for through them you may well find answers to questions about what direction to take in your life next. You will feel a great sense of anticipation, but conversely feel that you can't do anything with it. This may well be the case for December, but it is not the case for 2009, so don't rest on your laurels too much! However, activity should be concentrated on learning, meditating and socialising, for you will find frustration if you try too hard to forge forward right now. Like a Guest House in Winter, close the shutters and prepare for the Spring - this will serve you well ... and much is potentially promised.
Lions are going to have a very interesting December. Although much will remain as it is - with a natural withdrawal from outgoing pursuits to those closer to home - there will also be a fly in the ointment. Be aware that you are likely to encounter someone who just loves to add a bit of craziness to the mix - and you won't see him (or her) coming. Sometimes it is wise to remember that with each difficult encounter there is a lesson, and with each difficult person there is a mirror for you to see all those things you don't like about yourself. Don't fret about this - for you can certainly bring back a bit of reason and calm to this person by saying things as they truly are and not bottling up the emotions that they will provoke within you. Clear communication is the order of the day for December, for through it you will find a more peaceful passage into a New Year which holds a lot more clarity and understanding.
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Dagaz | Tiwaz (Merkstave) | Sowilo |
Have you been feeling as if your life isn't going anywhere - and that something has to give soon? Take heart, Virgos, for you are so close to

getting to a point where you can push forward with your dreams and goals. The energies around you have been frustrating and have been holding you back - but you need to realise that there is a purpose in that. During December you may be forced into a little introspection, which is not a bad thing. Don't become self-critical in a negative way, that simply affects your self esteem and does you no favours. Just look at where you are now and where you want to go and analyse your path so far in an objective way. If you feel you are blocked, don't let that make you assume you cannot move forward. You can, you simply need to clearly look at reasons why it hasn't happened so far. Maybe you have been holding on to things you no longer need? If you can work through this period in a productive way, the New Year looks set to be a much brighter one. Take comfort and pleasure in family and friends around you and remain positive - as you can see from the runes: the Sun is on His way!

Ehwaz | Uruz (Merkstave) | Sowilo |
Scorpios may be out and about a little more this December. There is a good chance that you will be offered a trip away, and there is also a good

chance that those around you will not be supportive if you choose to go. It is important that you make this decision for yourself, as the trip looks as if it could be favourable and could lead to greater things (if only in terms of having a good time). Go if you can! Relationships also look good for you, but again, be aware that you can't please all of the people all of the time and there will always be some people who will be jealous when you have good fortune. Sometimes, you really do have to make decisions for yourself, so don't be cajoled into making the wrong ones, just to please others. All-in-all though, December looks like it will be a positive and happy time for you in all areas, so make the most of it and don't cave in when others want you to do something else, just because you are afraid of putting other's noses out of joint!

If you really want to see what the spirit of Yuletide is all about, it might be time to visit a Sagittarian! There is a very strong possibility that
Saggies really will get what they want for Christmas - be it a special gift or a special person! However, this potentially brilliant December is simply the end of a very long story. If you get what you want, Saggies ... you've worked for it. Now is the time to reach out and grab those rewards for all the seeds you planted earlier in the year, you've earnt them. December is also a great time to look towards future goals and consider how best you can formulate a strategy and put it into practice. Draw family and friends close and think about future implications, for you can achieve a great deal in social surroundings - chatting and laughing but with your mind going nineteen to the dozen in the background! Look on all gifts and pleasant surprises as an indication of your value and self-worth and realise that they are only the tip of the iceberg - you have the potential to achieve even more, so move into 2009 with a sense of anticipation and a job well done!